In order to prevent rumors, I begin with an announcement: I’m not getting married any time soon (that I know of). However, if I do marry one day, I want to have a good relationship with my mother-in-law, so I read Deb DeArmond’s book, Related by Chance, Family by Choice with interest. I met DeArmond at a writer’s conference a year ago and was so intrigued by her book’s subject matter I had to read it after it was released.
The book is a must-read for women who want better relationships with their mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law. DeArmond encourages Christian women to strive for improved bonds and not to settle for the world’s poor standards.
Though DeArmond has healthy relationships with her daughters-in-law, who contributed to the book, she doesn’t rely on human wisdom. One of the strengths of this book is the biblical approach DeArmond takes, and she uses the example of Naomi and Ruth as well as many other scriptures to support her points. Each chapter contains a self-assessment, a plan of action, and a prayer. DeArmond weaves anecdotes throughout the book, and the stories both terrified me and inspired me to pray for and work for a healthy relationship, should I ever have a mother-in-law.
I suggest purchasing the print version. I bought the Kindle version, and the tables and charts did not transfer well. Plus, at the end of each chapter there is space for answering questions.
Because of the strong biblical foundation and excellent advice, I highly recommend Related by Chance, Family by Choice.
Awwww I love Deb! We had her on our show a few months ago about this book, and she had tremendous things to say! We’re having her back soon about a different topic and I’m excited for that too. So glad to hear you’re loving the book!
Marissa – What a sweet surprise to see your review of my book. It was great to see your beautiful face when I logged on here! I am working on a download of the end of chapter worksheets and planning tools for my Kindle readers. I will send you a copy as soon as it is complete.
Again, thanks for your generous review. I’d love for you to post it on Amazon if you have a chance. It helps even those yet unmarried see the wisdom to prepare for what may be coming up for them!
Be Blessed – Deb
Thanks, Deb! The chapter worksheets will be helpful!
Yes, I was able to learn a lot!